We are glad to welcome Reed Sutton to our Advisory Team!
Reed will support our expansion to Canada. He is a researcher and clinical assistant at the University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (Edmonton, Canada). Fascinated by healthcare and information technology, Reed is pursuing an MSc in Health Informatics. He has become increasingly involved and invested in blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. Recent experience includes analyzing, reviewing, and recommending Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) for CryptoRated.com. He is also validating a new ICO scoring system for ability to predict investment success.
How does Reed see the present and the future of blockchain and why did he willingly agree to join the Dentacoin Advisory Team, read below.
What is your vision about the Blockchain Technology?
Reed: Although the time frame is uncertain, I truly see the Blockchain infiltrating every aspect of our daily lives one day. I love the cliché comparison of blockchain to the internet, in the way it allows people to become directly (no middle man) connected. The internet was also underestimated when it came about, with people thinking it wouldn’t be used beyond military functions, and many predicting it would collapse (sounds familiar?). I definitely see the blockchain having use in healthcare with electronic health records (EHR). My work currently revolves around designing clinical decision support (CDS) into our regional EHR, and I’ve seen firsthand the interoperability and security issues that plague EHRs and limit their communicability with each other.
Why did you decide to support Dentacoin as an Advisor?
Reed: I was thrilled when I was approached to collaborate with Dentacoin. I am happy to get involved in blockchain projects in any way I can and especially excited about the possibilities for blockchain applications in healthcare. Presently working in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, having some requisite knowledge, and being part of large care networks, I felt that Dentacoin was a project I would be able to add value to, as they embark on international development.
Honors & Awards:
Hooper-Munroe Academic Award (2015)
Louise McKinney Award (2012, 2013, 2014)
Dr Arturo Sanchez-Azofeifa & Dr Christine Orosz Scholarship in Science (2014)
Governor General’s Bronze Academic Medal (2011)
Valedictorian (2011)
EpicCare Ambulatory EHR Proficiency
eCLINICIAN EHR Training (Scheduling, Admin Support, Clinician Basics)
Health Canada Div. 5 — Drugs For Clinical Trials Involving Human Subjects
NACTRC Coordinator Training (Weisler Research Inc.)
CITI Clinical Research Coordinator (CRC)
BLS-HCP CPR Level C, Heart and Stroke Foundation
AstraZeneca ICH Good Clinical Practice (GCP)
REDCap: Survey Design & Management, Data Entry
IBM SPSS Statistics Software
Tableau Software: Business Intelligence and Analytics
Website Content Management (WordPress, Mezzanine, Squarespace)
— Wierstra, R. Sutton, J. Bal, L.A. Dieleman, B. Halloran, K. Kroeker, R.N. Fedorak, K.Berga, V. Huang. Innovative educational online portal improves IBD-specific reproductive knowledge in patients with IBD. role: co-first author. Manuscript in submission.
— R.Sutton, K Wierstra, J. Bal, L.A. Dieleman, B. Halloran, K. Kroeker, R.N. Fedorak, K.Berga, V. Huang. Innovative online portal resolves patients’ IBD-specific reproductive concerns while revealing medication beliefs and patterns of adherence. role: co-first author. Manuscript in submission.
— Sutton R, Prosser C, Dhami N, Sadowski D, van Zanten S, Kroeker K, Wong K, Halloran B, Fedorak RN, Huang V. Agreement of IBDoc® and QuantOn Cal® Rapid Lateral Flow-based Fecal Calprotectin Tests with Accepted Lab-based Assays for Monitoring Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 2018 (in press)
— Sutton R, Wishart E, Dhami N, Sadowski D, Siffledeen J, Sauve M, Hundal R, Van Zanten S, Huang V. IBD Dashboard: Innovative eHealth Program Providing Equal Access to Quality Care for ALL IBD Patients. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 2018 (in press)
— Dunsmore G, Koleva P, Sutton R, Ambrosio L, Huang V, Elahi S. Immunomodulatory role of CD71+ erythroid cells in human. Cell Symposia: Human Immunity 2017 (abstract P35)
— Agrawal A, Hotte N, Lumb R, Sutton R, Ambrosio L, Madsen K, Huang, V. Maternal IBD and IBD therapies may influence breast milk pro-inflammatory cytokines and the infant’s fecal calprotectin. Gastroenterology 2017; 152(5): S759
— Sutton R, Weirstra K, Ambrosio L, Dieleman L, Halloran B, Kroeker K, Fedorak RN, Wong K, Berga K, Huang V. An Innovative Online Educational Portal Resolves Concerns of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients regarding Pregnancy and Medication. Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis 2017; 11(S1): P552
— Andrishak, S, Manocha A, Ambrosio L, Sutton R, Kroeker K, Dieleman L, Halloran B, Wong K, Fedorak RN, Huang V. Impact of Inflammatory Bowel Disease on the Breastfeeding Patterns of Pregnant Women.
— Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 2017 (abstract A283)
Thrilled to have you on board, Reed!
Originally published at Dentacoin blog.