Dentacoin Advisory Team Update (Nov.2017): Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Raychev, PhD
We are honored to welcome Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Raychev to our Advisory Team!
Nikolay Raychev has a PhD in “Computer systems, complexes and networks”. Dean of Varna University of Management and Founder and director of VUM School of Computer Science. An internationally recognized authority in software process improvement and software engineering technologies with two decades experience as a software engineer, a manager, a software architect, a CIO, a CTO, a professor, an author, and a software engineering consultant. Experienced in the development of systems for advanced engineering and cloud-based applications. Held positions with responsibility for scientific and systems programming. Member in: Rotary, Mensa, IEEE, ACM.
The fifth most influential scientist in the world, with the largest contribution in the field of Quantum Algorithms — in the ranking of Google Scholar. Google Scholar Profile
Driven by his passion for high-tech innovations with transforming potential, Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Raychev accepted our invitation to become part of the Dentacoin Advisory Team. Since the beginning of November 2017 he acts as a technical advisor to the team.
“In the field of Software Engineering, it is necessary to constantly adapt to new strategies and opportunities. In the areas of Blockchain, IoT and AI — the game has just begun. I think a lot of the most exciting innovations in Blockchain tech will actually occur at the corporate level and thus creating a whole new ecosystem.”
— Nikolay Raychev
Data Collection and Data Cloud Visualization, SOA, DBMS, ETL, ODBC, Database replication, BI, Monitoring, Reporting, Analytics; File, Application & System Cloning Systems; Cryptography, Security, Digital Signature, PKI; Network Discovery, VLAN; UI, Diagramming tools; Source Control & Change Management Systems.
Programming languages:
Basic in Haskell, OCaml, Scala, Erlang, Scheme. Fluent in PHP, Python (numpy, scikit-klearn, pandas), Java, C++, C#, Objective-C, jQuery, SQL, NoSQL.
Honors & Awards:
Best paper award, “Quantum phase estimation”, The Sixth GIPO International Conference, GIPO, June 2012
A special award in the category of research tools for the QuOS project, European Academic Software Award, July 2007
First Place Team Award, IEEE Computer Society Second Annual International Design Competition, April 2006
MSU Distinguished Faculty Award, “Evolution of Behavioral Models for Quantum Systems”, ICAC ’13. International Conference on Autonomic Computing, June 2013
Quantum model-driven engineering
IBM award for software quality improvement, IBM, May 2006
Aug. 2004 Silver Medal in International Competition in Informatics, Zagreb, Croatia
Aug. 2003 Gold Medal in International Competition in Informatics, Merida, Mexico
Distinguished Certified IT Architect and Enterprise Architect
The Open Group’s IT Architect Certification (IATC), License 76013
Software Engineering Management
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), License 095940, Starting May 2013
ITIL v3 Foundation, License EXIN, License x12dus6091
Advanced Management Program (AMP)
MIT Sloan School of Management
Certified ScrumMaster(Link)
Scrum Alliance, License 6745588754
APMG, Starting October 2011
PMI-Agile Certified Practioner (PMI-ACP)
PMI TR, License 1557656, January 2014 — January 2020
Reply to “The classical-quantum boundary for correlations: Discord and related measures”, от Николай Райчев, Abstract and Applied Analysis 94 (4), 1455
Multiprogramming model for heterogeneous multi-core systems, M Linderman, J Collins, H Wang, N Raychev, T Meng, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Architectural Support
Reply to “Flexible flow shop scheduling: optimum, heuristics and artificial intelligence solutions”, от Николай Райчев, Expert Systems 25 (12), 98–105
Logical sets of quantum operators, N Raychev, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 6 (4), 391–394
Functional composition of quantum functions, N Raychev, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 6 (4), 413–415
Controlled formalized operators with multiple control bits, N Raychev, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 6 (5), 1470–1473
Controlled formalized operators, N Raychev, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 6 (5), 1467–1469
Connecting sets of formalized operators, N Raychev, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 6 (5), 1474–1476
Unitary combinations of formalized classes in qubit space, N Raychev, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 6 (4), 395–398
Quantum algorithm for spectral diffraction of probability distributions, N Raychev, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 6 (7), 1346–1349
Measure of entanglement by Singular Value decomposition, N Raychev, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 6 (7), 1350–1355
Originally published at Dentacoin blog.