Dentacoin on 18th place of the world’s main currencies within the next decade?
As a custom token and a solution, especially designed for the global Dental Industry, Dentacoin has highly promising future.
As per the report from our partner clinic, which has already implemented the use of Dentacoin as means of payment, we can see that this business model will be easily adopted by the majority of the dental industry.
What do we plan
During the first three stages of our concept, we plan expansion for Dentacoin outreach within 10% of the total market share, which is around 600 million patients to be reached through their dentists. Meaning that through a 10% market penetration, 60 million patients will own a Dentacoin Wallet. All further calculations are based on this assumption.
An amount of 120 million Dentacoin wallets would place Dentacoin on 18th place of the world’s currencies by the end of 2028. This is how influential an industry cryptocurrency could be with all the opportunities it holds.
Market Development Steps
1. Short-term (5 years): First 3 global campaigns are to generate 0.1% of the target market share.
2. Medium-term (10 years): Reaching 1% of the target market through the developed Health Database, Dentacoin Insurance, and Trading Platform.
3. Long-term (25 years): In the planned rollout period 10% of the target market share will be reached.
Also published on Medium.
Originally published at on May 30, 2017.