We are happy to announce that we have launched the testnet of our Dentacoin Decentralized Trusted Review Platform. The first users have already reported great excitement and positive feedback for the user experience of the tool. They also received their first test Dentacoins, as a reward for their contribution to the Dentacoin’s mission.
The brand new, blockchain-based feedback system will trigger a dynamic movement in patients and dentists outside the Blockchain community to open a wallet and operate with Dentacoin. The value-generating tools of Dentacoin are a smart mechanism for global mass distribution of DCN. More users result in more benefits for each Dentacoin holder as it creates prerequisites for increase in value. “Networks have ‘network effects’. Adding a new participant increases the value of the network for all existing participants.” (@naval Twitter).
How Customer Rewards Help Improve the Dental Business
It’s no secret that customer feedback is a vital ingredient to the success of any company. It’s one of the quickest and easiest ways to find out whether you are delivering the kind of service and products that your clients expect, and to get suggestions on what customers would like to experience.
Around three-quarters of people trust online reviews of a company more than they trust advertising or other forms of marketing, which means that positive reviews can translate into tangible growth benefits for every business.
The dental industry has always been very innovative and one of the first industries to adopt digitalization. On that note, Dentacoin has invested much time and effort to develop a decentralized Trusted Review Platform, where patients can give honest opinion about the dental services they have been provided with.
The basic idea of Dentacoin Trusted Reviews Platform is to provide and maintain a decentralised platform based on Ethereum smart contracts. Our tool rewards high quality „patient reviews” and „market research surveys” with Dentacoins. The incentive structure has a strong influence on the quality of dental treatments and increases the mutual responsibility between dentists and patients.
The Trusted Reviews Platform is the first and major milestone on our roadmap to the future of better dental care globally.
Our own research and experience in the dental business teaches one major need, concerning dentists worldwide: The need of building strong relations with their clients and gaining qualified feedback / market research data to enhance their treatment plans and communications.
On the other side we see patients, lacking a reliable source of comparability between different dentists as well as the possibility to give anonymous and unfiltered feedback to share their opinions and thoughts.
Keeping in mind those needs, Dentacoin Trusted Review Platform provides the following solutions:
- A platform where partner dentists are able to register their dental office. Furthermore, every patient will be allowed to register new dental offices and clinics. The main benefit for dentists will be the access to their patients’ reviews and valuable market research data — for free.
- Patients are able to find their dentists and give unfiltered review based on their own experience.
- Each activity is linked to the Ethereum blockchain and paid by a smart contract — in Dentacoins.
- In return, the earned amount can be used to partly pay for further treatments at one of our partner dentists/clinics.
By providing ways to earn and spend Dentacoin, the dental currency will be distributed throughout the industry.
Furthermore: Dentacoin collects important knowledge of the industry and makes it available to all dentists and patients, thus allowing dentists and patients to form strong communities around the world and build upon mutual interest.
Using rewards and incentives to encourage customer feedback while simultaneously forming valuable crowd knowledge is the core feature of our first tool. Moreover, industry-specific reward systems give clients another reason to keep engaging with the dentist and their products and services. On the other hand, the dentist himself can take this feedback and apply changes, which will improve the quality of his dental treatment.
“Customer feedback is the key to good business, and encouraging this feedback will only help the dental industry in the long run.”, Desislava Dimova, Manager of SWISS Dentaprime Dental Clinic, the first partner clinic of Dentacoin.
Originally published at Dentacoin Blog.