Dentacoin Trusted Reviews: Update Release

3 min readOct 6, 2017


Dear Supporters and Community,

At the height of the ICO, we are happy to announce the released update of our pilot tool: Trusted Review Platform. Apart from the complete payment automation implemented, the most important new feature, which opens the doors to wider adoption, is here…

A step back to summarize the facts.

The Testnet of the Blockchain-based Trusted Review Platform was released on 17th of August, 2017. This is the pilot tool of Dentacoin Foundation, and the first major milestone on the roadmap to future of better dental care globally. Dentacoin tools are also a smart mechanism for global mass distribution of DCN. More users result in more benefits for each Dentacoin holder and thus more prerequisites for increase in value. “Networks have ‘network effects’. Adding a new participant increases the value of the network for all existing participants.” (@naval Twitter).

The Mainnet of the Blockchain-based Trusted Review Platform was ready and released just a few days later, on the 21st of August 2017. Thanks to the support of the strong Dentacoin community, the tool was released to the public earlier than planned. For the short time operating, the Trusted Review Platform has witnessed an increasing number of new registered users. As per this moment, the registered users are over 2400 and the dental practices — over 290.

This is a clear proof of the attention Dentacoin has earned on its way to create a more functional dental care system. After the ICO there will be a focused regional targeting for popularizing the Trusted Review Platform, which will gradually achieve global coverage.

Let us remind you that the Dentacoin Trusted Review Platform is a place where patients can leave a detailed review about their actual dental treatment. This information is valuable market research data and direct feedback to the dentist/dental clinic, which can be used to improve service quality. In response to their contribution, patients get rewarded with Dentacoin, the custom token which serves all Dentacoin tools and is already accepted as means of payment at dental clinics in Europe. The Dentacoin token is also available for purchase during the month of October, against a minimal, very low initial price, which allows anyone to join Dentacoin movement towards better healthcare.
A step forwards towards mass adoption.
Thanks to Alexander Atanasov (Trusted Review Platform developer) and Jeremias Grenzebach (Co-Founder and Core Developer of Dentacoin) , now the users of the platform don’t need to worry about holding ETH to cover the usual transaction fees. A DCN wallet (which could be created using MetaMask, MyEtherWallet, etc.) for each user is integrated into the Review Platform account and all transaction costs for receiving rewards are covered by the Dentacoin Foundation.

“With this latest update we hope to make it very easy for people to contribute with reviews and trusted feedback about their dental treatment experiences”, says Jeremias Grenzebach.

You can join the Dentacoin Blockchain-based Trusted Review Platform here.

You can join the Dentacoin ICO here.

Thank you for your continuous support.

Dentacoin Team

Originally published at Dentacoin blog.




Written by Dentacoin

Healthcare Industry should be in the hands of the people.

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