Dear community,
It’s time for our weekly updates!
Before we start, we would like to take this opportunity to thank our active community members in Slack for all the help and constant support! Your contribution matters.
Now, let’s see some of the highlights around Dentacoin from the last week!
1) Dentacoin Tools:
- 143 new installs of the Android version (organic traffic + promotion)
- Communication with Apple in regards to the approval of DCN as a virtual currency in App Store.
- 50 new registered users (organic traffic)
- New questionnaires added
- Bugs fixing + UX optimizations
Trusted Reviews:
- 25 new registered users (organic traffic)
- 6 new dental practices registered (organic traffic)
- New feature to validate dentists’ physical addresses implemented and being tested
- Auto alerts to the admins
- Rewards for dentists included when the invited from them patients publish a review
- Dentists website widget improved
- Referral program “Invite Friends” implemented
- UX optimizations
2) Dentacoin Partner Network:
- 35 dentists/ dental practice owners initiated a contact to learn more about DCN (Facebook promotion);
- Official partnership with first Taiwan clinic: Mr. iTeeth (link)
- Finishing the negotiations with first clinic in Malaysia
- Conversation with Dutch Dental organization
- Researching the options for participation in IDS 2019 in Cologne, Germany.
3) Media Presence Highlights:
- Digital Journal: Blockchain studies added to university curriculum
- Dental Asia: Dentistry 4.0: Is the Era of Digital Dentistry Already Here?
- Dental practice starts accepting cryptocurrency, Dentacoin
- Neue Cryptowährung hält Einzug in die moderne Zahnmedizin
- Dental Asia: Modern Dental Clinic in Taiwan Accepts Cryptocurrency
4) Others:
Originally published at Dentacoin blog.