Great times here, people! While still in a Presale period (with over 1600 contributors already on board, as per 13/07/2017), Dentacoin has already been implemented in two partner clinics in Europe. Read more about it here and here. Potential future partners from the United States, Brazil, South Africa, Netherlands, Germany, Australia and other countries are eager to implement the first Dentacoin tools and have already signed up for testing the Trusted Review Platform at their dental practices.
Meanwhile, we invited the team of our first partner clinic — SWISS Dentaprime — to explain us how they have integrated Dentacoin in their CRM platform Salesforce* in order to track the Dentacoin transactions within the patient flow. We talked to Ms. Emine Yumerova, Salesforce Administrator at SWISS Dentaprime clinic.
Dentacoin: Ms. Yumerova, could you please tell us first what is the role of Salesforce in your organization?
Ms. Yumerova: Working with more than 3000 patients per year requires a CRM system which allows every single member of our team to keep track of all customer communications at any given moment. Quite naturally, our needs to constantly generate and nurture thousands of leads, to convert them to patients, to create and optimize 1-to-1 customer experiences and to constantly carry out detailed analyzes of the customer journey led us to the leader among the CRM platforms: Salesforce. Basically, Salesforce connects our entire business on one platform. The complete view enables customer support agents to be more proactive and productive, while providing the personalized experience that customers want. That leads to high productiveness and efficiency, increased patient satisfaction and recommendation quote, cost savings and revenue gains.
Dentacoin: It is understandable why you needed to integrate Dentacoin in Salesforce — it is now an essential part of the patient communications history and it is related to the payments as well. Could you explain us how exactly you track the Dentacoin transactions within Salesforce?
Ms. Yumerova: Currently, each patient of SWISS Dentaprime receives their personal Dentacoin Wallet card upon their arrival in the clinic. Having been informed from our Support team about the possibility to earn Dentacoins through so called “value-generating” activities, patients arrive at the clinic with a lot of different questions about the DCN rewards. I cannot deny that a fraction of the patients are not interested in the essence of Dentacoin as a crypto token due to their low tech knowledge. But it is undeniable that most of the patients are highly interested in the benefits, i.e. the possibility to use Dentacoin for paying part of their treatment.
Let’s follow the complete process in Salesforce. First, inside each patient Account in Salesforce, there is general information such as what is the patient’s wallet address, who has recommended the clinic to the patient, what is his Dentacoin balance (meaning the difference between the received and the spent DCN in SWISS Dentaprime), what is his DCN wallet balance in general (it might differ from the one in the “Dentacoin Balance” field if for example the patient has bought Dentacoins additionally) and when for the last time someone from the Support team has checked the balance.
The verification of the wallet balance happens directly in Etherscan. Seeing all this important information at first glance, helps our Support team to immediately and precisely answer patient inquiries such as “How should I check my Dentacoin balance?”, “Can you check for me how many DCN I have?”, etc.
The other important section in the customized Page Layout in Salesforce we have called “Dentacoins”. Each action which the patient receives Dentacoin through is marked there through creating a new entry every time when a transaction is required. In the “Received through” field, there are five drop-down options: Feedback (when a patient fills out Feedback surveys), Video (when a patient records a video review), Weiterempfehlung** (when a patient recommends the clinic to another person), Bewertung im Web (when a patient writes an online review) and Ausgegeben (the amount of DCN spent in Swiss Dentaprime).
When a patient records a Video review e.g., our Patient Relations Team marks this action, together with the amount of DCN that the patient is entitled to. Thus, an email alert is sent to the Financial Division that the patient X should receive Y amount of DCN to his Z wallet address. When the transaction is made, a tick mark below “DCN Transferred” is put and an email is sent to the patient, informing him about the DCNs received. The date of the transaction is automatically filled out as well.
If the patient wants to spend his DCN in the clinic for paying part of his treatment, then the option “Ausgegeben” (“Spent”) is chosen. In this case the DCN amount entered automatically turns to negative and the total Dentacoin balance is updated accordingly.
All in all, Salesforce offers us the opportunity to track accurately each individual Dentacoin transaction, as well as to create detailed summarized reports.
Do you have any questions about the implementation of Dentacoin in our partner clinics? Always feel free to reach out and ask questions!
*In May 2017, Salesforce was named a leader for the ninth consecutive year in the Gartner Magic quadrant for the CRM Customer Engagement Center. More info here.
** Some of the fields and the options are in German, as the biggest part of the patients and the support team at SWISS Dentaprime is German-speaking.
Originally published at Dentacoin Blog.